Many students are involved in our research at UMTRI, including both undergraduate and graduate students. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions, based on student category.
We hire many undergraduates to work as research assistants on various research projects. Many of these initially come to UMTRI through as Parker Scholars, UROP students, or work-study, but we also hire students outside of those programs when we need help and have good candidates. We typically have up to 20 undergrads working in the Biosciences Group each summer, then keep a smaller number of these on through the next school year. We hire for summer starting in January, so please email your resume if you think you might be interested in a summer research internship at UMTRI. Note that we rarely hire students who are not currently enrolled at Michigan.
We support only a few graduate students in the Biosciences Group at one time. Over the past decade, all have been conducting research in crash safety. If you are interested in working with us as a graduate student, you must first be accepted into the College of Engineering. Note that I am no longer taking on MS or PhD students for thesis supervision. I am not able to assist with admission and a not able to provide tuition support for graduate students.
We are always looking for good post-doctoral scholars to collaborate with us at UMTRI. Please contact me if you're looking for a post-doc fellowship in our research areas.
©2024 Matthew P. Reed and The University of Michigan